by Gabrielle
As promised at the end of the last catch-up post,
we re-decorated the living room in one evening because...
We had Opa and Oma flying in from CA to visit the next morning! This was a very exciting visit as we had not seen Opa in many, many years, and the little boys had never met him. For the week they stayed (late September-early October) we had lovely North Carolina weather and a wonderful time.
Timothy, Oma, Mommy, and Daddy, talking in the kitchen
Benaiah being silly!
On October 2nd, we celebrated Arianne's 17th birthday with both sets of grandparents!
Talking and picking out the wax from the candles
Opening presents with Opa and Jedidiah looking on
Of course, before Opa left, family pictures were in order. Surprisingly, we got a good group picture on the first try.
We took some of the grandchildren with Opa as well!
Oma stayed on for a little longer to visit, and one of the days she was here was so beautiful, that we decided it was time for a morning at the park.
Benaiah, yours truly, Jedidiah, Tobias, and Christianna on plastic 'rock' archway, with picture taken by Elliot
Jedidiah, having fun
Benaiah, 'just hanging out'!
Thank you for visiting, Opa and Oma! We'll have fond memories of this time for many, many years to come!