...............The Hellwig Family

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, to Gabrielle.... a bit late!

posted by Mama H.

Well, we've managed to do it again. Another birthday long past and not a timely post in sight... until now.

My dear Gabrielle turned 19 on January 17th, and the requisite celebratory spirit was in high gear.


Well, that was easy! We've opted for number candles, rather than submit to a porcupine-peach tart!

Comparing cameras, and a rare photo of Timothy round out this post. It was a sweet evening, with Pepe and Meme to share it with us.
I'm so thankful for my sweet daughter..... may the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, Gabrielle ("God is my strength") Kara ("dear one"), and may you be used by Him to bring honor to His name. May your rest and confidence be in Christ.


Gaby said...

Happy birthday, Gabrielle!!!! :D :) :D

In Christ,
Gabrielle Renee

Elaine J. Dalton said...

Happy Birthday dearest Ella! :)